Women's day has gone and so have the special discounts and offers. But women are same. Unaffected. I had written a few words for all of us and on our Womenhood. Sharing the same with the world now.
I stand tall today inspite of all the responsibilities I shoulder. Nothing can stoop me and nothing can stop me.
I hold the distinction of being written about as a beautiful and petite being and also as an ugly and strong being. And it is true. Be it then or be in now.
Way back, I was responsible for running the family with the support of my partner. Now and in years to come, I'm just getting better at it.
Over the years, I have become stronger, more beautiful and a better multi tasker.
Life has never been easy for us, but I strive to make beautiful.
Life has never been easy for us, but I strive to make beautiful.
At times, the world questions me, points fingers at me and raises eye brows. But I'm unpurturbed.
I'm Wise!!
I'm Wise!!
Let the World be warned that my Silence is not my weakness. Infact, it is my Resilience.
History holds the fact that a Woman can Make and she can Break.
History holds the fact that a Woman can Make and she can Break.
A famous Sanskrit Shloka, describes the power a Woman hold.
Yatra Naryastu Poojayante ramanthe tatra devataha |
Yatretaasthu na poojayanthe sarvastatraphalaha kriyaha||
Yatretaasthu na poojayanthe sarvastatraphalaha kriyaha||
Meaning- The Gods/Divine are happy where a Woman is Respected.
Where they are not , all actions are fruitless.
Where they are not , all actions are fruitless.
Respect Woman, Respect Womanhood!!
Amazing work you shared. Black magic baba