It is never easy to write a book review. But in this case it's more difficult, coz it's not a single author or genre. It's not just a book- it's a platform that I intend to review about. I'm talking of Write India Stories! The journey began with 'Write India Initiative' announced by TOI, which became a huge platform for budding authors. Let me try to put my review in words ( words are not just enough) The Concept : 11 mentors were roped in. These being the famous ones in book circle. Each of them had written a passage of a story, which needed to be used by the author as it is. The Mentors : Interesting group of mentors and more crazy and imaginative were the passages shared. I just can't stop myself from naming the mentors who were/are an integral part of this TOI initiative. Amish, Chetan Bhagat, Ashwin Sanghi, Ravi Subramanian, Preeti Shenoy, Tuhin A Sinha, Ravinder Singh, Durjoy Dutta, Madhuri Banerjee, Jaishree Misra and Anita Nair. M...